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Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Next New Thing

Virtual reality has always been a thing of the future but I think this is the time for a significant innovation. Special glasses should be developed that look like sunglasses but when you put them on you enter a cyber world. You will sitting in your own home or office, and an avatar that looks exactly like you (flesh and bones in all) will travel in this virtual world. You will use your mind to control the actions of the avatar. So if you think about walking, the avatar will automatically start walking. You will be able to interact with friends and family, who are long distances apart and do the same activities that you would in the real world. Imagine that you can play football with your friend who moved to Alabama or even go shopping with your aunt who lives in Spain without even leaving the comfort of your home. Virtual organizations can be made so that things can be accomplished in the virtual and real world. This is the vision of the future.



  1. If this idea actually becomes a reality, the human form will become smaller and smaller. Think about it, we would basically look like aliens. since we're using our heads to move, our heads would become the biggest thing. The rest of our body such as our arms, torso, and legs will become smaller and smaller, eventually non-existence all together.

  2. Reading your post, everybody thinks very similar like you. I also thought like you and i thought think just good thing but, it will be the human become smaller and smaller as mike3ai said.. you should keep think about this way too.

  3. They have something like this in the SciFi show Caprica. They call it holobands.

  4. ya i watch that show. its pretty good

  5. cool idea! it'll be like social networking sites where you can interact and share photos but now you can almost literally hang out with people and do more than chat.

  6. That is an interesting idea. The picture reminds me of the guy from X-men. That would definitely be the evolution of virtual worlds. I wonder if a computer would be necessary at all for this type of technology.

  7. Anyway, one day we all will like like alians:-)

  8. Interesting and cool idea, but if we do everything by head, we will be lack of exercise, as a consequence, we will not have a long life.

  9. ya this is something similar to show called "Caprica" and its funny what Lubos said. lol

  10. The movie, surrogates comes across my mind when I read your article. It was not exactly same as your though, but it did in my mind.
