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Monday, February 15, 2010

The Impact of New Media on the Sports World

My project will deal with sports and new media. Sports and New Media have been intertwined for the past several years. Athletes have their own Twitter accounts, Facebook pages, blogs, etc, where they connect with regular people like you and me. Teams set up pages where they can communicate with fans about events and possible team opportunities. Marketing campaigns for teams have been increased several times over due to new media. I plan to research my project through looking at various articles, looking over athletes Facebook, Twitter, and blog accounts, watching athlete’s personal video blogs, etc. Hopefully this will lead to successful project where we can understand the impact of new media on sports.




  1. Your topic is a great topic. There are many interesting stuff to look into. i orginally wanted to do this topic but i saw that you had picked it already. Many leagues such as the NBA are coming up with new rules and fines for the new media. Not to long ago, a player got fined 25k for twittering during a game. good luck on your project

  2. Thanks good luck to you too. Whats your project about?
