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Monday, February 22, 2010

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and Wikis are all the rage on the internet. Though blogs and wikis seem to provide the same thing: information, they do it in unique ways. Blogs are similar to journals, where they place news or their views on events in their lives or around the world. It is considered an alternative to journalism. People are able to comment about their ideas towards the blogs right on the same page, which ensures a collaborative effort. Blogs are controlled by their creators where if unnecessary information is provided, the creator will get rid of it and knowingly have what the user had published. Blogs are not necessarily always helpful. In Stung by the Perfect Sting, a model was bashed by anonymous bloggers, which in turn can become real world bullying.

In wikis people provide information in a certain web space, where users are allowed to edit content constantly. This is ultimately team collaboration. Everyone has a chance to change wiki information unlike with a blog, but if unnecessary information is provided, many users do not know whom placed this information. Since wikis are friendlier to users, any information provided is open to the public for which in a blog, if the creator has a bias with the information, he/she can dispose of it. Wikis are especially helpful when dealing with team or group projects. As with blogs, wikis are not always helpful. In A Rorschach Cheat Sheet on Wikipedia, Wikipedia is hurting psychological studies that involve Rorschach test by posting the answers on the internet.

Ultimately these debates on wikis and blogs are important because they bring together individuals who have a common goal in finding the answer to the world's questions.


"A Rorschach Cheat Sheet on Wikipedia?" by Noam Cohen, The New York Times, July 28, 2009. Available at

"Stung by the Perfect Sting," By Maureen Dowd, The NY Times, Aug 25, 2009. Available at:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Old Media vs. New Media

Old Media vs. New Media

New Media can be described as simply as blogs, wikis, Facebook. But new media is not only that, it is an improvement upon old media. So eventually the new media of today will be the old media of tomorrow. Here are some examples of old media compared to new media.


Old Media: Television

New Media: Hulu where TV shows are streamed. Additionally there is TiVo where you can record shows and skip commercials. Also there is YouTube where individuals can star in their own web shows.

Old Media: Radio

New Media: Podcasts where radio shows can be downloaded and placed on mp3 devices. Additionally internet radio is available where you can create and personalize your own radio stations.

Old Media: Newspapers

New Media: Blogs, Newspapers online, newspapers made of blogs (The Printed Blog)

Old media: Networking with clubs, sports, friends in school, workers

New Media: Online Social Networking: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace where you can create groups, forums, etc and discuss anything and everything. Second life is a site where you can live in a virtual world and buy and sell goods like in real life with real or virtual dollars.

Old Media: Literature (Books, Poems, Encyclopedia, etc.)

New Media: E Reader where you can download books to a special device and read them. Wikipedia is a site where anyone can edit information about anything and everything.


Podcasts: New Twist on Net Audio, Wired, Oct 8, 2004. available at


The Impact of New Media on the Sports World

My project will deal with sports and new media. Sports and New Media have been intertwined for the past several years. Athletes have their own Twitter accounts, Facebook pages, blogs, etc, where they connect with regular people like you and me. Teams set up pages where they can communicate with fans about events and possible team opportunities. Marketing campaigns for teams have been increased several times over due to new media. I plan to research my project through looking at various articles, looking over athletes Facebook, Twitter, and blog accounts, watching athlete’s personal video blogs, etc. Hopefully this will lead to successful project where we can understand the impact of new media on sports.



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is New Media?

This is my first blog about New Media and I am learning that New Media is more than just blogs, wikis, Facebook. It is an upgrade over old media. Old Media such as television, telephones, radio, etc. Sites are being dedicated to radio and TV. In “Who Needs a TV? I’m Watching on a Laptop,” shows are posted on Hulu where individuals can watch shows and see if something is missed on regular TV. People can create their own radio stations on sites like Pandora. The Internet helps new media grow. People constantly update themselves on twitter, Facebook, etc and the internet delivers this to cell phones and computers. Social networking sites are providing connection outside of the real world. New Media is a new dynamic and it is improving our quality of life.


"Who Needs a TV? I’m Watching on a Laptop ," by Laura M. Holson, New York Times, December 3, 2008; Available at
